Minecraft Season 2

Season ongoing

Minecraft Server Address

❏ ???

Goal: Accumulate Moonshards



What are the rewards?

Who can participate?

Anyone who has a Moonsama Account and who owns a legal copy of Minecraft Java Edition can participate.

Gotta Get Them All

Gather and craft one of every block in the game.

Where to submit blocks?

  1. Right-click the terminal on your plot to open the submission menu
  2. Click [Submit Blocks] and then put the blocks you'd like to submit into the top inventory.
  3. After successfully submitting new blocks, Moonshards will be dropped at your location.

What blocks can be submitted?

How many unique blocks are there?

There is an estimate of about 900 unique blocks in the current version of Minecraft.

Reach The Moon

This feature has been disabled due to unrecoverable issues.

Bread And Circuses

Earn extra rewards for participating and succeeding in weekly minigames.

How often do minigames happen?

Minigames are scheduled weekly.

What minigames will be available?

Expect a selection of PvP events, racing events, minigames, build events and anything the community can think of.

Fame And Glory

Compete solo or as part of your Raresama community to secure your spot on top of the leaderboard.

What are team plots for?

Who can apply as a team/community?

Every project or collection listed on Raresama with at least 5 team members can apply for a team plot. All players can associate themselves with a maximum of 1 team plot.

How to apply as a team/community?

Reach out to Beanie (Telegram) / Ping @exobeanie in Discord

Build And Customize Your Plot

How to claim a plot?

Walk up to a plot terminal and interact with it. If you have your Season 1 plot bridged, you can claim one plot for free. Otherwise, you will need to pay a purchase fee in diamonds.

How to locate my plot?

Type /plot locate in the in-game chat.